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Selling to the United States federal government is unique and challenging. It requires knowing the nuances of the various layers of government, their budget cycles, election cycles, and bidding processes.

Our highly experienced consultants are available to help you with business development and federal government proposal writing services. Their knowledge and abilities can help you generate great sales leads and win federal contracts. 

RFP Writing Service Scope of Work & Deliverables

You will get a full overview of what your business needs to win federal contracts. Our government proposal writing services cover everything your business needs from registration up to successfully winning government contracts.


The government proposal writing services include:

Total funding spent by the US government in your industry by agency
This point involves analyzing and understanding the overall amount of money allocated by the US government to procure goods and services within your industry. It helps businesses gauge the potential market size and demand for their offerings.

Acquisition forecast review to identify upcoming opportunities
An acquisition forecast review entails examining the government’s planned procurement activities to identify future contract opportunities. It allows businesses to proactively prepare and position themselves to pursue these opportunities.

Top 3 agencies to focus business development and sales efforts on
Based on the analysis of previous contracts and upcoming opportunities, this point suggests identifying the top three government agencies that are most likely to require your products or services. Focusing efforts on these agencies can yield higher chances of success.

Contract vehicles used and purchasing strategies specific to your offering/industry
Understanding the contract vehicles and purchasing strategies utilized by the government for procuring specific products or services helps businesses tailor their approach and align with the government’s procurement processes.

Upcoming or current opportunities (RFP, RFI, sources sought, expiring contracts, subcontracting, etc.) identified with all point of contact (POC) information
This involves identifying various types of opportunities, such as Requests for Proposals (RFPs), Requests for Information (RFIs), sources sought notices, expiring contracts, and subcontracting opportunities. Additionally, providing point of contact (POC) information helps businesses reach out to relevant government representatives.

Competitor analysis
Conducting a competitor analysis involves studying the strengths, weaknesses, and strategies of competitors in the federal contracting market. This helps businesses identify their competitive advantages and differentiators.

Targeted government grant programs
Identifying targeted government grant programs allows businesses to explore additional funding opportunities beyond traditional contracts.

Targeted list of upcoming industry days
Industry days are events organized by government agencies to engage with industry partners. A targeted list of upcoming industry days helps businesses plan their participation and engagement with government stakeholders.

All leads and information received from directly communicating with government representatives
This point implies that MNGC Group will communicate directly with government representatives to gather leads and relevant information, which they will then share with their clients.

Teaming and subcontracting opportunities
Exploring teaming and subcontracting opportunities enables businesses to collaborate with other contractors or serve as subcontractors on larger contracts, enhancing their competitiveness in the federal market.

Step-by-step business development and sales plan for your company
A step-by-step business development and sales plan is a strategic roadmap tailored to each company’s needs and goals for entering or expanding in the federal market.

Custom strategy for influencing requirements in your favor before engaging in RFP writing services
Before responding to an RFP (Request for Proposal), developing a custom strategy helps businesses influence the requirements in their favor to increase their chances of winning the contract.

Recommended focus areas and differentiators
Based on the analysis conducted, MNGC Group provides recommendations on focus areas and differentiators that can set businesses apart from their competitors in the federal market.

Initial pipeline of opportunities and POCs with the recommended contact strategy
Creating an initial pipeline of opportunities involves identifying potential contracts and projects, along with the corresponding point of contacts (POCs). A recommended contact strategy outlines how businesses should approach these POCs.

20 to 30-minute briefs of drafts and complete plan with professional RFP writers
MNGC Group offers 20 to 30-minute briefings on drafts and a complete plan developed with the assistance of professional Request for Proposal (RFP) writers, ensuring that businesses are well-prepared to pursue federal contracts.